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MSW Garbage/Refuse Service 

Tostenson, Inc. provides residential, commercial, and construction refuse services. Tostenson, Inc. also provides a Transfer Station for residents to drop off bigger items or extra MSW garbage.  The Chippewa County Demolition Landfill is located at the same site.  There is a fee, with extra charges for tires, car batteries, appliances, mattress & box springs, or electronics.  See Bulky Item Disposal


Brush/Branch Disposal:

MN State Law prohibits brush or leaves in landfills.  Individuals are NOT allowed to dump brush, leaves, or branches in their garbage cans or at the landfill.  Compost must go the city compost site.  


Burnt Ashes:

Do NOT place ashes in your garbage can or dumpster.  It will melt the garbage cans and will do damage to the garbage trucks!


Burnt ashes MUST be cooled for a MINIMUM of 3 weeks before disposing of them in the transfer station.  Please call Tostenson, Inc. at 320-269-7243 before delivering them to the transfer station.  


Tags for Extra Garbage:

Any extra garbage that does not fit into the garbage can or dumpster MUST be tagged.  1 tag per 30 gallon bag.  Tags may be purchased at the city office or directly from the Tostenson, Inc. office for $15.00 (book of 10 tags).  


Items NOT Accepted:

1. Car Waste - Motor Oil or Antifreeze

2. Fluorescent Light Bulbs

3. Paint

4. Misc. Oils/Chemicals

5. Asbestos - 9 X9 tiles are asbestos; vermiculite is asbestos



Bulky Item Disposal 

Transfer Station

© Tostenson Inc.

1040 Hwy 7 SW P.O. Box 304

Montevideo, MN 56265

Office: (320) 269-7243

(320) 269-8306


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